Construction Safety Week 2024

May 6-10 is Construction Safety Week. The annual event aims to raise awareness and promote best practices for safety in our industry. It's about making sure everyone on the site stays safe, and everyone has a chance to speak up.

What's Available?

  • Free Posters: You can print posters and put up in your trailer or break area. They're good for getting your team talking about staying safe at work.
  • Even Freer Videos: Our YouTube has tons of short clips with practical safety tips. Watch them together and keep everyone sharp.

This year, the theme focuses on valuing every voice and listening to each other. Because when we all speak up, we all get home safe. So kick off discussions about safety on the jobsite by printing the posters below, and help us keep safety first in everything we do.

6 Rules of PPE

ABC's of Fall Protection

PPE Checklist