Aervoe 17oz Marking Paint - White

( $96.00 / for 12 )
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41935ea $8.00 $7.20 $6.40
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Aervoe 17oz Marking Paint - White is available to buy in increments of 12
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  • 20 oz. can - 17oz. fill
  • Solvent based, available in 6 colors
  • 12 cans per case
  • 720 cans per pallet (60 cases)
  • Meets APWA color standards


Aervoe Marking Paint has been developed to meet various types marking applications. It provides good color visibility, color retention, and adheres excellently to almost any surface such as pavement, gravel, and soil. The paint can is compatible with spot markers, marking sticks, and can also be held by hand. The marks made using the Aervoe paint last up to 3 months. It meets OSHA and APWA/ONE standards and is not affected by moisture or water. The paint is ideal for marking applications at construction sites, landscaping zones, and is used for locator and utility identification tasks. The solvent-based general marking paint comes in easy to stock, portable cans.

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Maximum allowed number colors for selection4
Print Sections[]
Color Variant per Product[{"record_id":"0","position":"1","color_code":"#000000","color_name":"Black","initialize":"true"},{"record_id":"1","position":"2","color_code":"#ffffff","color_name":"White","initialize":"true"},{"record_id":"2","position":"3","color_code":"#FF1414","color_name":"Red","initialize":"true"},{"record_id":"3","position":"4","color_code":"#FF771E","color_name":"Orange","initialize":"true"},{"record_id":"4","position":"5","color_code":"#FFEA3B","color_name":"Yellow","initialize":"true"},{"record_id":"5","position":"6","color_code":"#5ad419","color_name":"Green","initialize":"true"},{"record_id":"6","position":"7","color_code":"#2f2bff","color_name":"Blue","initialize":"true"},{"record_id":"7","position":"8","color_code":"#ff26f5","color_name":"Pink","initialize":"true"}]
Color Count per Product[{"record_id":"0","color_count":"1","product_sku":"Vest Imprint 1-Color","initialize":"true"},{"record_id":"1","color_count":"2","product_sku":"Vest Imprint 2-Color","initialize":"true"},{"record_id":"2","color_count":"3","product_sku":"Vest Imprint 3-Color","initialize":"true"},{"record_id":"3","color_count":"4","product_sku":"Vest Imprint 4-Color","initialize":"true"}]


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